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Xochimilco Ecolological Park

Chinampa, the identity of Xochimilco and beautiful cultural landscape.
Mexico City's Government
Built: 1990 - 1993 / Rehabilitation: 2019 - 2021
277 ha
1992| Excellence of Waterfront - Waterfront Center Annual Award, USA
1994| Honorific Mention - III Biennial of Mexican Architecture
1996| Prince of Wales / Green Prize in Urban Design - Harvard University, USA
2021| Urbanism and Urban Equipment … of the Year - Obras Magazine, Expansion Group

The rescue and rehabilitation of Xochimilco´s lacustrine zone was part of a huge integral project, developed by the Mexico City Government, just after being declared World Heritage in 1987.

In the project there where various objectives contemplated: the hydraulic, historic, archaeological and agricultural production´s restoring, being done by the by the reengineering of the chinampera zone; as well as the tree and plant production, sewage recycling, road structure, and the creation of a park with a series of sport and recreational activities, a plant market and a site museum.

The original concept purpose was connecting the park to it’s landscape territory for recovering the hydraulic and physiographic sense, which was the Mexican Valley landscape in historic times. That is how the principal axis of the park design were traced in bug perspectives that top off to the iconic mountains and hills of the southern Mexico City Valley.

Chinampa, the identity of Xochimilco and beautiful cultural landscape.

Between 2019-202, it was needed an integral rehabilitation in the Park, in which there were rescued 30 hectares of the Huetzalin lake; it was recovered the Acitlalin lake in its entirety, and rescued more than 10 hectares of humedales by cleaning and desilting, recovering its lagunar system. As today, there are, in Parque Ecologico Xochimilco, more than 200 native fauna, as well as migratory birds, reptiles, amphibians and mammals.

In a special way, the jogger and cycling paths were enlarged, as well as the childerns playing ground. A didactic chinampa was added, as well as the “Adventicio” garden, an ecological-artistic project designed by the artist Luis Palacios.