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Natura garden, Bicentennial Park Azcapotzalco

The former Azcapotzalco refinery becomes a large public park
Secretaría del Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (SEMARNAT)
Constructed / 2012
Total: 55 ha
Natura garden: 8.5 ha
2013 | Best Landscape Architecture Central & South America – International Property Award Architecture.
2013 | Silver medal – Bienal de Arquitectura de la Ciudad de México.
2014 | 1ra Bienal Latinoamericana de Arquitectura de Paisaje / III Bienal Mexicana de Arquitectura de Paisaje

El Jardín Natura es parte integral del Plan Maestro del Parque Bicentenario, un espacio público de escala metropolitana que se construyó en las antiguas instalaciones de la refinería de Azcapotzalco, en la zona norponiente de la Ciudad de México, que cerró su proceso industrial en 1988.

The former Azcapotzalco refinery becomes a large public park

The refinery ceased its industrial processes in 1988, and after a thorough soil and subsoil cleaning and remediation process by Petróleos Mexicanos (PEMEX), the area was transformed into a 55-hectare public park.

The Natura Garden is a spectacular botanical garden, featuring Mexico’s nine most significant biomes. Three of the biomes are housed inside crystal-clear greenhouses, while the other five are outdoors, creating a sequence of thematic-biological gardens. Additionally, an orchidarium has been designed inside a pre-existing cistern, now adapted with ramps and “floating” circulation on different levels.

To promote educational purposes, a didactic chinampa was recreated to showcase the cultivation method used by the Mexicas in the Valley of Mexico.

The park boasts various sports fields, jogging and cycling tracks, an open-air auditorium, children’s playgrounds, restaurants, and a large lake.