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An office and service campus: green, aquatic, and sustainable; an ordered and vital urban complex.
Inmuebles Francia
Built in between 2004 - 2014
16.5 ha
16.5 ha
Architecture: Alberto Askenazi, Humberto Gloria
Landscape Architecture: GDU - Mario Schjetnan
Honorific Mention in the IX Bienal de Arquitectura Mexicana, Mexico, 2006

The high-tech corporate office campus is an example of post-industrial recycling; where previously 1,500 workers in the steel industry worked, today 12,000 employees and executives work in the cyber and banking services area. Rainwater is captured, recycled, and infiltrated into the subsurface, recharging the aquifers of the Mexico Valley.

An office and service campus: green, aquatic, and sustainable; an ordered and vital urban complex.

Wastewater is treated and reused in green areas and stored in water mirrors. Over 2/3 of the complex is dedicated to different gardens and plazas. The result is an open, sustainable, and beautiful complex.

The Master Plan allowed for development in stages, each with finished concepts and their own services and amenities.